Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I spy, with my little eye...

This is not a joke. This really happened today.

Darling little student: I spy with my little eye something big and gray.

(i was wearing this today)

Another Darling little student: Mrs. Traganos!

Darling little student: Yes!

I've now been likened to an elephant. Sweeeet.

Friday, May 7, 2010

My Mom

With an amazing weekend ahead of me, I'm trying just to think positive. But one thing has been nagging at me for a few weeks now. My mom is far, far away in stinking Texas for my baby shower and on Mother's Day.

Setting up the nursery, receiving packages of baby items, picking out wall art, thinking about packing a hospital bag is all very thrilling. I've never in my life been so excited about something as I am about preparing for the arrival of our baby girl. But without my mom close by, it's not the same. She gives me advice about curtains for the nursery, keeps me updated on tracking of my gift (our stroller, hallelujah!), tells me what items were helpful for her at the hospital and as she learned to nurse us but jeez, it would be better if she were here. I try to remember that I am extremely fortunate that she is simply a phone call away, but most of the time I just wish she were still a town away.

So while I will miss her dearly tomorrow at my shower and on Sunday as I celebrate with Chris's mom, the countdown until she is here to meet the baby is on (52).


This is on the docket for me tonight. And also buffalo calzones. Date night with the hubby, eating our favorite Friday night meal in a Harvard Sq. picnic before crying our eyes out over the cuteness of babies. Couldn't be more excited. Except for my shower (!!!) that's happening tomorrow. Good weekend ahead.

Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Nesting is real and I'm so happy to have (finally!) been able to put the desire to clean and prepare to good use. The nursery is coming along. It's not done and is still missing some key ingredients (diapers, clothing, a baby), but it's starting to look like a baby's room! Here are some pictures as proof. Updates to come :)
And while it might not look like much, take a peek at the beginning picture because it has come quite a ways!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Children's prayers

My class this year is challenging. I love teaching and I love Kindergarten, but there have been many (many, many, many) days this year that I have not loved my job. Last week, though, during our morning devotional (did I mention it's a Christian school?) the kids became very interested in praying for my baby. Here are a few of the things they prayed for:

That the baby won't have a hole in her heart
That the baby won't be born without hands
That the baby won't be stuck upside down (or right side up, I suppose. This one knows about c-sections)
That the baby won't punch its way out, but will push gently (this one imagines birth more like the cracking of an egg. My belly being the egg)
That the baby will be born calmly and peacefully

While I can disagree with any of these prayers- I would like a whole-hearted, gentle baby with hands- where on earth did they come up with these things??