Monday, March 11, 2013

six months.

Mattias David is here! 10:54 pm on Sept 11. Weighing 9lbs, 5oz. 20 inches long. So in love!
Love my boy. Good morning!
Mattias goes to the park. Little man is back up to birth weight and giving us some awake time today. Love love love.
Enough already, mom! My little old man.
What is it about a sleeping baby? Can't get enough!
Napping buddy. Always with the hands above his head.
Lounge lizard.
This little man has been sleeping all afternoon. Scared for tonight. And then I died from the cute.
We're still in bed. Lazy Saturday. Sweet boy.
Today has been so much better than yesterday. Baby boy has his first cold. I guess that's life as a second kid?
Love this little dude.
Morning walk to the park. #widn trying to get this little dude to sleep. Just watched the first episode of Homeland. So good!
Falling more in love everyday."
Going on 4 hours of trying to get this guy to sleep. I think Baba might've gotten the first smile. #latergram
DYING. Dying. Dying. He's so stinking cute in this suit.
Sweet smile.
You know you're kid is a ruler when... This smiley boy is two months old today!
Thankful for this little turkey.
Mattias meets the Golden Gate Bridge. This little guy rolled over from his tummy to his back today. Slow down, little dude!
This kid #ridic Loves his fingers.
Merry Christmas!
Oh, my heart. These two!
This little man could not settle tonight. Cuddles and reading in bed it is! #couldbeworse Baby's first overalls :)
Could he be teething already? Such a happy baby and a loves his hand :)
Best little running buddy. #cheeksfordays
Sorry kiddo. #lifewithasister Good morning, Saturday. Sibling love is the best.
This little guy is five months old today! New post on my blog! Post-nap nursing, sibling hand holding. Be still, my heart.
This boy.
We're having a good day.
I love this kid. So much. First time on the swings. I think he likes it

Today you are six months old. In my mind and in my heart, it doesn't seem possible. Posting all these pictures of you helps me realize it is. We do have six months of memories with you, six months of cuddles, six months of kisses, six months of growth, six months of falling more in love with each passing day. You are simply the best. You bring us so much joy and I'm so thankful to be your mama.

Happy Six Months, sweet boy.

I love you,


basebell6 said...

Happy 6 Months, Mattias! Definitely got a sibling-resemblance thing going on there! SUPER CUTE!

colleen said...

what a great collection of pictures. happy six months mattias!

Jodi Ann said...

He's one of the most handsome babies I've ever seen. So sweet!

Anna {dear friend} said...

Oh my! Every single picture is perfect!

Love the little toes one! And the one with Mere's hand on his cheek! And the one of you all taken from above! Sweetest.

Happy 6 months, little Mathias! :)

House of Milk said...

Those blue eyes are so incredibly sweet. Cutest little family on the west coast, I tell ya!

Home For Short said...

So sweet! Love and miss your little family! Come vacation on the Gulf and stay with us:)

Anonymous said...

Happy six months Mathias and happy 21/2 Meredith! How you two are growing up. Claire, thank you for sharing this with us. We are so proud of you and your little family. You and Chris are wonderful parents and we are so proud we get to claim you! Wish we were closer but we are grateful when we can see you. We love you each.

Love, Mom and Papa McAnulty

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