Friday, May 7, 2010

My Mom

With an amazing weekend ahead of me, I'm trying just to think positive. But one thing has been nagging at me for a few weeks now. My mom is far, far away in stinking Texas for my baby shower and on Mother's Day.

Setting up the nursery, receiving packages of baby items, picking out wall art, thinking about packing a hospital bag is all very thrilling. I've never in my life been so excited about something as I am about preparing for the arrival of our baby girl. But without my mom close by, it's not the same. She gives me advice about curtains for the nursery, keeps me updated on tracking of my gift (our stroller, hallelujah!), tells me what items were helpful for her at the hospital and as she learned to nurse us but jeez, it would be better if she were here. I try to remember that I am extremely fortunate that she is simply a phone call away, but most of the time I just wish she were still a town away.

So while I will miss her dearly tomorrow at my shower and on Sunday as I celebrate with Chris's mom, the countdown until she is here to meet the baby is on (52).

1 comment:

Em Levy {orange + barrel} said...

She is going to be here so soon! Do you have a name picked out?!

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