Friday, October 19, 2012

Once upon a time


Today, as I picked Mickey Mouse up off the floor and rolled Meredith's toy stroller to a little corner parking spot, as I mopped up yogurt during naptime and watched my newborn's rising and falling chest, I was struck by how different life is now than it once was.

Once upon a time, when I was tired, it was because I had stayed out late having dinner, seeing a movie, spending time with my husband. Not because I had spent hours rocking a wide-eyed, overtired newborn. Once upon a time, if I was sweaty, it was because I had gone for a run or been on a hike. Not because I had held and nursed a tiny, hot-bodied baby all day long. Once upon a time the only shoes I picked up off the floor were adult sized. Now they are little and full of sand.

There was once a time that the rice I cooked ended up either in bellies or tupperware as leftovers. Now, it falls on the floor trailing a certain toddler. There was once a time that I did laundry every couple of weeks, lugging it across the street to the laundromat. Now, it happens almost daily or else the house would smell of spit up and baby poo. There was once a time that I slept in on Saturdays. Now, I wake early everyday to the sound of baby grunts and a toddler greeting her baby brother.

Once upon a time, I wasn't a mother. Those were really good times. Times when I was a wife and a teacher and a friend and a daughter and a sister. But now, I am a mother and life is so rich.


Hannah said...

i don't know the feeling of being a mother. and i don't have to now. i'm 15... but everytime i get to hold a newborn i almost die... this moment my life is soo perfect and i love to have the responsibility for this tiny person only for a few minutes... i would love being a mom one day. one of our friends is having her baby in the beginning of november and she has no idea how hard the first three months are gonna be... i think she thinks she would know, but she has no glue... and so do i but every mother i talked to told me that the first months were so exausting and they wished for someone taking the baby and going out with it for 3 hours so she could sleep and this friend of us will have someone to look after her newborn ...ME and i will love it! so i just wanted to tell you how much respect i have for you and all the other mothers out there!

jodi said...

This is beautiful, Claire. I feel the same way.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh. Your description is making me want to be a mother so much. I love this, Claire! Thank you for sharing your Once Upon a Time

colleen said...

this was so sweet claire.

Valerie said...

Claire, what an absolutely lovely post.

Lloyd and I were at dinner last night to celebrate buying a new car. As we were finishing up, a band started to set up--the largest speaker going right next to me. When I went to the restroom, the guy setting up started talking to Lloyd, asking if we were staying to hear the band. He told him no, we had to get home to feed our diabetic dog. As we left, a little before eight, we talked about how old we felt and how much our lives have changed--that a little over a year ago, that's exactly what he would have done.

It's all in perspective, and you are so right. Life is so rich. Not a mom yet, but I can still relate to the sentiment.

Michelle said...

I can't wait for that feeling of fulfillment, I pray it may it happen sooner than later.

Lai-Yan said...

one of your best!

Mrs. Mack said...

Beautiful, eloquent, and poignant.

Kate (This Place is Now a Home) said...

Mmm hmm. Amen, sister. It's so lovely.

Home For Short said...

This is great. There are many days I think about how different my life is now. I loved my life before baby, I was happy and didn't feel like I was missing out on anything. I could never have known the riches that would accompany being a mother. Is my house messier? Absolutely. Am I more tired? Definitely. Would I trade this life? Not in a million years.

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