Thursday, September 17, 2009

The way of the day.

Almost every morning, around 8:12, mere minutes before the children walk through my door I sit at my desk trying to muster up the energy for another day. I want to be at home in my bed, or at least still in my PJs. It feels at though 3:15 in the afternoon is a lifetime away and I doubt that I can make it.

But then, miraculously, everyday at 8:16, my little guys walk through the door, faces grinning broadly, greeting me with a hug, and then I know I can do it. I can teach for another day, another 7 hours. I do have the energy, because of them, to teach.

This cycle is one I am now familiar with, but one I still seem to forget every morning at 8:12. I am grateful that 8:16 always manages to come around.

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