Friday, November 5, 2010

Gratitude: Nov 5

Today's is easy. At 6:30 this morning, I heard my little baby squeaking. She was wanting to get up. I was not wanting to get up. It seemed my little baby, the baby I used to call my college girl for sleeping in so late, was now moving wake up calls earlier each day. 7:30? Do able. 6:30? Not so much. Especially after staying up until after 12 (WHY did I watch private practice?? Since I did, I was forced to fill my mind with cutie pictures of baby until after midnight).

So, back to 6:30. I went in and gave her a pacifier. It worked for about 20 minutes. 6:50, crying again. Still not wanting to get up. I went in and gave her a pacifier. It worked for about 20 minutes. Then, a bit after 7, I just asked Chris to get her. She was obviously ready to wake up. She was due to eat so I fed her. And then? Here's where we get to the gratitude part. She fell back asleep and it is not 10:30 and she's still sleeping. Hallelujah! I'm so grateful!

ps- bonus gratitude item today: chris and i are going out to karaoke (my first time) with a group of his friends. this is our first outing together, without the baby, in two months. i'm grateful!

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