Tuesday, May 17, 2011

An update from GA... except that we're back in Boston

Note: Remember how Blogger was down for about a million years last week? Yeah. Well, I wanted to post this then and didn't get to. So better late than never, right?

Do you see this little face? This is face of the world's best baby. No, really. She has been the ultimate trooper so far this trip. She flew like a champ. She had napped in her car seat and in her Ergo baby carrier when we've been out an about for 10+ hour days. She has giggled and played long after she should have been put to bed. She has been held by lots of new people and smiled the whole time. I couldn't be prouder of her this trip.

And can I tell you a story about this wonder baby? We were at dinner last night at P.F. Changs with some family friends. Dinner started after her bedtime, so I was occupying her with books and food. We ordered the Lettuce Wraps (because, YUM) and I decided to give her some bites of lettuce. I put 3 little pieces in front of her. When I turned back, they were gone. I was so proud of her for eating it and gave her a few more. This time I just happened to watch her eat it. Imagine my surprise when she picked up a piece of lettuce and instead of bringing it to her mouth, slyly dropped in on the floor underneath her high chair! I burst into laughter. Seriously?! How did she figure that out? She proceeded to drop every piece of lettuce in front of her onto the ground. So funny. I was dying. This baby never ceases to amaze me.

We are having a great trip so far and still have a few days left. Happy Weekend to you, dear readers.


basebell6 said...

ok the lettuce story is HILARIOUS! i'm convinced these kids are born to be manipulators!! so cute! glad to hear she did so well with flying / schedule changes / strangers!

colleen said...

that is hilarious! glad to see she's learning young.

Emily said...

HAHA! aww


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