1. Get a rockin' tan
2. Eat at Back Door Donuts (more than once?)
3. Witness Meredith's first steps
4. Celebrate Meredith's first birthday
5. Take twice daily walks with hubs & baby as often as possible
6. Go see at least one movie at Free Friday Flicks
7. Take in a Menemsha sunset (or two)
8. Watch the sunrise from the first place the sun hits the U.S.
9. Do our first overnight without the baby
10. Make new friends in our town
11. Hike in Acadia National Park
12. Do a brewery tour
13. Frequent the Farmer's Market
14. Eat lots of fresh fish
15. Eat some fried fish
16. Shut off my computer & internet part of my phone for a week while we're in town. (yikes!)
17. Get a really good pedicure
18. Open our home to friends as much as possible
19. Simply enjoy time with my in-laws on vacation
20. Put away the camera some days and just soak up the beauty and growth in my daughter
21. Read at least five new books
I Capture the Castle
The History of Love
Bel Canto
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
The Art of Racing in the Rain
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
The Glass Castle
28. Figure out ways to feel more at peace in my house
29. Organize the cluttered top of my dresser
30. Make one of those handy dandy jewelry organizers
31. Hike Mt. Monadnock
32. Teach Meredith to High Five
33. Initiate conversations with other moms at the park & resevoir
34. Meet up with some of my blogging friends
35. Stick with the South Beach diet (allowing myself guilt-free cheats on vacation)
36. Feel confident in my bathing suit
37. Recreate some pictures with Meredith, a year later
38. Take a day trip to Portland, ME to see brother in law & good friend
39. Find a pottery class or open studio to start going to in the early fall
40. Continue to work on sticking with a grocery budget while buying healthy, whole foods
41. Figure out how to reach out to our elderly landlord lady who is going through a really hard time.
42. Take family bike rides with our new baby bike trailer
43. Enjoy at least one fireworks display
44. Take full advantage of the family friendly events in our town
45. Soak up the week long vacation I get with my parents
46. Figure out my hair situation. Hate the color. Hate the cut. Gotta get happy with it.
47. Keep our marriage spicy & fun. Summer lovin' is the best.
48. Get lots of newborn snuggles from my friend's new little girl, but don't catch the baby bug.
49. Go meet Chris for lunch at work once or twice
50. Savor summer
Linking up with Mama Kat!

I have to figure out my hair this summer too.
oh i loooooved this post! 32 is the best and should get top billing. 41 warms my heart. 47 is a must (i totally agree with the summer thing). 36 should be easy for you since you've got nothing to worry about. 14 and 17 are definitely on my agenda, too. sounds like a great summer for you!
I can't believe you came up with 50!! One look at that number and I was on to another prompt! I hope you enjoy every minute...and hope we're sharing some of these moments!
Oh my goodness! #16 makes me shake a little. I would love to do it, but I just worry that it would be too challenging. I'm afraid I shouldn't let technology control me so much!
Sounds like a great list. I just have to say that I LOVED The Art of Racing in the Rain and was so excited when I saw that he wrote a version for kids.
You will *love* The Glass Castle! SOOOOO good!
Sweet blog. Will look to follow u on Twitter too!
Great list & great goals!
Stopping by from Mama Kats.
Looks like a great list and savoring it all is the best!
Just popped in from Mama Kat!
that's a very productive list! "art of racing in the rain" is great - especially if you've ever owned a dog! ah, so good.
Wow that's quite a list...you have inspired me to add onto my summer bucket list!
love this! the books, yes! acadia, yes! lookin (and feeling hot) in your bathing suit, yes!
great list!! The Glass Castle is a quick read and is really good, also Henrietta Lacks is incredible! Can't wait to hear what you think!
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is one of my all time favorites! I love the idea of making a summer bucket list...summers always fly by so fast and then I end up not doing anything I wanted to!
sounds like a good summer ahead for you.
These are great! Isn't amazing how if you write something down you end up doing it?
You'll have to do a follow-up post and let us all know how the summer turned out! Love your list - and I just finished The Glass Castle and loved The Art of Racing in the Rain .. hope you enjoy them!
Fabulous list! The length overwhelms me since I feel like summer really only lasts two months for me.
I like #47. I really want to take advantage and get out of the house and do some fun, spicy things :)
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